Does Medicare Pay For Wheelchair Ramps?
Medicare is usually the primary-place seniors look for assistance with medically necessary costs, but Original Medicare does not regularly pay for wheelchair ramps or other lasting equipment. Seniors that have limited resources are not without assistance, nevertheless, since there are programs that can help handle the expense of installing at-home wheelchair ramps.
Mobility issues are very common among today’s seniors, that may need considerable modifications to remain safely in their homes. Seniors whose ability to walk is restricted, or that are required use mobility aids like wheelchairs, walkers and/or canes, may have a challenging time going up and down stairs like they did in the past. Wheelchair ramps are typical home modifications that assist seniors in getting in and out more easily and promotes aging individuals in living fuller lives outside of their homes. The benefits of having a wheelchair ramp, or other safety and mobility enhancements like grab bars, installed are significant, so it’s worth investigating where you can acquire help in paying for a wheelchair ramp.
Medicare Coverage for Wheelchair Ramps
Medicare is a federal health insurance program for qualifying seniors aged sixty-five and over. It is divided into two major parts, generally called Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) and Medicare Advantage, (Part C). Wheelchair ramps, like a lot of installed home improvements, are thought of as durable medical products by Medicare. Through Original Medicare, you can get compensated for ramp installation only when your doctor concurs that it is medically required. Whereas this might be possible for seniors that require a wheelchair, it can be a tall bar to clear for seniors that heart and/or respiratory issues, or that are still able to walk but with limited mobility. Medicare Advantage plans are granted by privatized insurance companies and differ significantly between providers and the states in which they operate. By law, all Medicare Advantage plans are required to provide the same coverage seniors could acquire from Original Medicare Parts A and B, but they are also opened to provide extra benefits. Many Part C plans do include home alterations, particularly wheelchair ramp installations, as a covered benefit. Talk with a plan agent in order to find out if your Medicare Advantage policy can assist you with having a wheelchair ramp installed at your home.Other Options to Pay for Home Modifications
Apart from Medicare, seniors might have other choices to get assistance in paying for wheelchair ramps. Many seniors carry Medicare supplemental insurance, known as Medigap, that includes some home modification coverages, though conditions for reimbursement differ significantly among policies. Medicaid, in which is a shared federal-state insurance program for individuals with low income, may also assist with having a new wheelchair ramp installed. Since the alternative to enhanced home access is usually for seniors to move to assisted living facilities, many state-level assisted living waiver programs are happy to get repaid for some of the cost of having a wheelchair ramp installed, in which can help seniors stay safe and relaxed in their own homes.Mobility Center In Mesa, Arizona
Mobility Center has been proudly serving the entire Phoenix, Arizona area since 1975 with the finest in stairway lifts, mobility aids, scooters, wheel chairs, lifts and support equipment. Visit our convenient location to see the products and receive the individual attention that you deserve. Our service area includes Mesa, Apache Junction, Tempe, Chandler, Scottsdale, Phoenix, Glendale, Surprise, and Sun City. 0